General terms and conditions

I. General

  • The following terms and conditions govern the relationship between the customer and PARABELLO SHOPDESIGN AG (hereinafter referred to as “PARABELLO”). They become binding upon confirmation of order by PARABELLO or upon acceptance of an unconditional offer from PARABELLO by the customer. Any deviating conditions of the customer are not valid unless PARABELLO has expressly agreed to them in writing.
  • Acceptance of an unconditional offer from PARABELLO by the customer requires written form in order to be legally valid. PARABELLO will also confirm the order in writing. If an order confirmation deviates from the original offer, it is considered accepted by the customer, if not within 8 days PARABELLO receives a written objection upon receipt of the order confirmation.
  • Verbal agreements, subsequent contract changes, guaranteed characteristics of the goods, delivery and installation dates are only binding for PARABELLO if they have been confirmed in writing.
  • For order confirmation, receipt of complaints and execution of the contract, the PARABELLO headquarters at the home in Meilen, Switzerland responsible.
  • II. Prices

  • The prices are pure net (without discount or other discounts) plus statutory value added tax. For orders, partial deliveries or reorders under 10,000 DEM/CHF The prices are ex factory and without assembly. Decisive are the Prices valid on the day of delivery.
  • Taxes, duties, expenses, fees and duties in connection with the order are borne by the customer and are invoiced separately.
  • III. Payment terms

  • Bills are within 10 days to be paid net and without deduction. A legally valid payment can only be made to Headquarters in Meilen, Switzerland be achieved. Representatives are not eligible to collect money.
  • A Customer's billing right There are only existing claims from PARABELLO if the counterclaim undisputed or legally established by a court is. Refusal or withholding rights under article 82 and 83 OR The customer can only claim if he provides security in the amount of the claim.
  • IV. Retention of title

  • All purchased items remain until full payment Property of PARABELLO. Without written consent from PARABELLO, a Sale, pledge, collateral transfer or rental not allowed.
  • The customer must Protection measures for property contribute. PARABELLO may retain title in public registers register.
  • In the event of seizure or other measures taken by third parties, the customer must PARABELLO Inform immediately.
  • The customer is obliged to maintain the purchased items and to insure against all risks.
  • V. Due date in case of delay and rescission of the contract

  • In the event of late payment, suspension of payments or insolvency measures, the entire remaining debt Due immediately.
  • If a contract is rescinded, PARABELLO is entitled to at least 1/60 of the net order value per month to claim as compensation for use or use.
  • VI. Deliveries, delivery and installation dates

  • Delivery and installation dates are planning dates and no fixed dates. Delays due to force majeure, weather conditions or delivery delays result in a automatic extension.
  • The prerequisite for the contractual delivery and installation obligation is Customer creditworthiness as well as the timely delivery of required payments and documents.
  • Minor discrepancies For illustrations, dimensions or colors, are reserved.
  • The Dispatch is at the expense and risk of the customer.
  • If the customer does not announce the agreed delivery date or does not deliver the goods within 14 days takes over, can PARABELLO withdraw from the contract or 25% of gross order value claim as compensation.
  • VII. Warranty

  • The customer must deliver the goods within 10 days check upon receipt and report deficiencies in writing. Subsequent complaints will only be made until maximum 20 days approved after delivery.
  • Die The warranty period is 3 months from delivery.
  • The customer has Right to rectification only, not for return or compensation.
  • VIII. Assembly

    Assembly includes the assembly of the delivered parts in accordance with the delivery note, assembly specification and installation plan. The customer must Prepare rooms for smooth assembly. Delays are caused by the customer at its expense.The customer provides Free electricity, lighting, ladders and elevators ready. Assembly is carried out weekdays (Mon-Fr). Supplements:

    • 25% for work between 17:00 - 19:00 o'clock
    • 50% for work between 19:00 - 08:00 o'clock or on saturday
    • 100% on sunday
    • 200% of public holidays

    The customer must Dispose of packaging material immediately and bears the costs.

    IX. Place of Fulfilment, Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

  • Place of fulfilment for deliveries is the respective point of departure of the goods. Place of fulfilment for payments is Meilen, Switzerland.
  • It applies exclusively Swiss law. Jurisdiction for foreign customers is Bäretswil, Switzerlandunless PARABELLO chooses another competent court.